
nicknames: Detour Dante, Death Row Dante (was a rescue from a large urban shelter) Diva Dante (he sings)
birth date:  He is about 2 years old
favorite dog to run with: Mishka
favorite toy: too neurotic to play with toys-guards them instead
favorite food: Baby Bunny (he ate one right in front of me on a walk one day-he calmly scooped the baby right up from a bush-it was a nightmare for me, very pleasant for Dante
favorite pastime: Worrying
I’m best friend(s) with: I adore Mishka
pet-peeves: Beagles (we are not sure why, but they offend him)
if I could change anything in the world, it would be…"To be allowed to eat the bunnies upstairs in my house, but my mom will not let me near them"
I love my parent(s) because… "They love me despite my quirks. Deeply".
My bio: Dante was picked up as a stray in Santa Ana. He was so wired up when he came home that he had to be sedated for a solid week. He frothed at the mouth, snapped, barked, lunged at other dogs. People pulled their dogs close and walked the other way when they saw him. Months later, with lots of patience (and many sliced hot dogs), he has become my most loving dog. I would never give him up in a million years.
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