Welcome to Urban Mushing --- home of the Southern California Working Snow Dogs --- a group of humans and their canine companions indulging in different fun dog-powered activities for the working dog. Our dogs LOVE to run and pull and we give them a chance to get the exercise they need and deserve through various “mushing” type of activities such as dog scootering, carting, bikejoring, canicross, skijoring, weight-pulling, and yes, dogsledding. Most of us are also avid hikers and take our dogs backpacking as well as snowshoeing during the winter.

Our site is constantly evolving, so please check back often for updates. We hope to use this as a source of information on different types of urban mushing activities, gear, equipment, and events and to encourage others to exercise their dogs, especially the working breeds.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what breed of dog you have --- if you love your dog and want to learn more about dog-powered sports, then you’ve come to the right place!!!
Learn more >>Events & News
In addition to visiting this website, please join our Yahoo discussion group. Our discussion group gives you local run locations as well as meeting times and the best conversation around with fellow urban mushers!
Saturday Fun Runs

Fairview Park
2525 Placentia Avenue
Costa Mesa CA
7AM - 9AM (Fall-Winter*)
* check Calendar since start times can vary